Like many other self-employed musicians, I’ve been taking an extended, forced break from live performing and in-person recording, trying to navigate the unemployment system, and doing my best to stay educated & safe while supporting the recent Black Lives Matter protests across the country and world. I hope y’all are doing the same, in your own ways.
Just before quarantine started, though, my dear friend Lauren Lowen and I started a Star Trek podcast called Into the Wormhole with Larissa and Lauren. It started as some silly nerd time, but we’ve been finding ourselves discussing some more important and currently relevant Trek related topics as of late. I thought I’d post it here, just in case anyone is still visiting my website, and since I haven’t posted here in about a year, LOL. We can still be creative while staying home and staying safe!
Produced by We Own This Town.
Art is by Lauren.
Theme song is by me and Dan Sommers, with Kristin Weber on violin. Listen below!